Roses & Hydrangeas Blooms Bouquet
Our bouquet combines flowers and foliage into a piece of art with its vibrant colors, textures, and patterns. Pink-and-white roses, white hydrangeas, and purple safari sunset flowers are framed by geometric palm fronds and cocculus branches. The bouquet is hand-picked and assembled, then delivered straight from the grower to ensure that it arrives in great condition.
- Bouquet contains 6 roses, 3 safari sunset blooms, 3 hydrangeas, 3 robelina palm fronds and 2 cocculus stems.
(This selection is subject to change as flowers are a seasonal product) - Hand picked by Atlas Handcrafted Florists.
- Choose between bouquet with or without glass vase.
- Rainforest Alliance certified.
Our inhouse Atlas Handcrafted Florist will do our utmost to create a look and vibe to create that magical moment when you receive your flowers
- 30cm diam., 55cm high overall.
- 1kg
- Imported from Colombia
- Glass (design will vary)
Shipping information
We will do our utmost to ensure that when your flowers are delivered, they will be as fresh as possible.
Some stems may come in bud to ensure that your flowers are just the finest and freshest stems for as long as possible. This will not only protect the flowers while they are in travel, but it will also allow them to last longer. Seeing the flowers burst into full bloom in the days after delivery is part of the magic, in our opinion.
We make every effort to guarantee that the flower bouquet or arrangement you receive is as near as possible to the flowers purchased; however, because this is a seasonal product, changes to the assortment may occur.
Care for your flowers
- Keep the floral arrangement out of direct sunlight and away from any other source of extreme heat. Please do not place it under a strong fan as petals can get damaged.
- If a petal becomes damaged, it should be removed from the arrangement.
A daily mist of water is beneficial to all of the blooms. - Cut 1" off bottom of each stem if they start to look tired.
- Place in vase with fresh water.
- Add included flower food.
- Replace water every 2 days.
- With proper care, this bouquet will last 10–12 days.
- Upon receipt, remove plastic sleeve and rubber band (if purchased without a vase).